A. COURT ORCHESTRA According to Kiến Văn Tiểu Lục by Lê Quí Ðôn (Social Science Publishe - Hanoi- 1997) in the reign of Lê Thái Tông king, in the 4th Thiệu Bình year (1438), Lương Ðăng addressed his suggestion of abolishing the theatre to the king. Instead, he addressed another gentle music which is a kind of music in Ming dynasty. It is Ðường thượng Chi Music and Ðường Hạ Chi Music used in the court. Ðường thượng Chi Music includes: A-Dàn nhạc Cung Ðình Theo (Lê Quí Ðôn - Kiến văn Tiểu lục- Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội-Hà Nội 1977) thời vua Lê Thái Tông, năm Thiệu Bình thứ tư (1438) Lương Ðăng tâu với vua bỏ trò Chèo hát và ông dâng Nhã nhạc sáng tác theo qui chế nhà Minh. Ấy là Ðường thượng Chi nhạc và Ðường hạ Chi nhạc sử dụng trong triều đình, Ðường thượng Chi nhạc gồm: A.1 Ðường Thượng Chi MUSIC (in the XVth century): Performing on the Court Stage, this orchestra consists of 13 musical instruments belonging to 8 different kinds of sound. For example, the ritual music to Khổng Tử temple at Ming dynasty (according to Vietnamese traditional music by Professor Doctor Trần văn Khê) 1. Huyền đại cổ (1 big drum) 2. Biên Khánh (a kind of gong. Chinese Biên Khánh, Korean Biên Khánh has 16 small stone gongs of different width. Vietnamese Biên Khánh has 12 small stone gongs) 3. Glass (a kind of big bell usually performed with Sinh) 4. Biên chung (containing 16 bells hung on the easel) 5. Cầm lute (7 strings) 6. Sắt lute (25 strings) 7. Sinh (an airophonic instrument made of the shell of the gourd with 13 blowing tubes) 8. Thược (flute with 3 or 5 holes) 9. Trì (an airophonic musical instrument made of bamboo. It is usually performed with Huân a transversal flute with 6 or 7 holes.) 10. Quản (a kind of horn) 11. Chúc (an idiophonic instrument made of wood, in square dry quart, old 1,5 metre in depth.) 12. Ngữ (an idiophonic musical instrument in a lie-in-wait tiger shape with 27 serrated fins or 32 wooden castanets, played by touching the fin with a striking tool or a castanet.) 13. Huân: (an airophonic musical instrument made of soil, in an oval shape with slender top and 4 holes in the front and 2 holes in the bottom of the instrument.) A1-Ðường Thượng Chi nhạc (thế kỷ XV) Tấu trên triều đường, gồm 13 nhạc khí thuộc 8 loại âm (Bát âm), ví dụ dàn nhạc tế miếu Khổng Tử đời Minh (GSTS Trần văn Khê - Âm nhạc truyền thống Việt Nam)
A2-Ðường Hạ Chi nhạc (thế kỷ XV) tấu dưới thềm, gồm có:
A3-Dàn Ðại nhạc - THE GREAT ORCHESTRA: (in the XIXth century) It is usually performed in the great ceremonies, (according to The Great Ceremony And The Dance Of Vietnamese King - Hanoi literary publisher - 1992), for instance: the great greeting ceremony, the land confiscating to worship the Agricultural Saint (held when the king does the ploughing), Nam Giao worship (at the time when the King come to the throne), the ceremony to welcome the ambassador... The great orchestra consists of: 1. Kèn ( flute made by the leaves of the reed, 8 pieces) 2. Big Tù và (horns made of the seashell, 4 pieces). 3. Small Tù và (horns made of buffalo's horn, 4 pieces) 4. Drums (20 piece) 5. Ðồng la (4 pieces) 6. Flat gongs (4 piece) Later on, there are other ones added: 7. Chũm chọe (one piece) 8. Sizzle cymbal (one piece) 9. Temple blocked made of buffalo's horn (one piece) 10. Tam lute (one piece) 11. Castanets (one piece) The orchetra was performed by Ty Kỳ Cổ staff who wore in uniform. Later on, there are also great orchestras in the community, which is in charge of worshipping the Saint. However, the number of musical instruments is fewer. In Huế, some musical instruments in great orchestras are now preserved: 4 horns, 2 drums, 1 chũm choẹ, 1 sizzle cymbal, 1 temple blocked made of buffalo's horn, 1 castanet. (Ðỗ Bằng Ðoàn-Ðỗ Trọng Huề - Những đại lễ và vũ khúc của vua chúa Việt Nam- Nhà xuất bản văn học Hà Nội-1992). Thường được sử dụng trong các đại lễ như: lễ đại triều, lễ tịch điền tế thần nông (đúng vào lúc nhà vua tự mình cày ruộng), tế Nam Giao (khi vua vào bái vị), lễ tiếp đại sứ thần... dàn Ðại nhạc gồm có:
do nhân viên Ty Kỳ cổ, mặc binh phục trình diễn. Sau này trong nhân dân cũng có Dàn Ðại nhạc sử dụng trong việc tế lễ thần thánh, nhưng số lượng nhạc khí giảm bớt nhiều. Hiện nay ở Huế còn bảo tồn được một số nhạc khí trong Dàn Ðại nhạc : 4 kèn, 2 Trống, 1 Chũm chọe, 1 Sênh tiền, 1 mõ sừng trâu, 1 phách. A.4. HUYỀN ORCHESTRA (in the XIXth century) It first appeared in the XIXth Minh Mạng (year 1838). In Huyền orchetra, there existed the musical instruments originated in China which was not in used since the end of the Lê dynasty such as: Huân, Trì, Chúc, Ngữ, Biên Chung, Biên Khánh (according to The Great Ceremony and The Dance of Vietnamese King by Ðỗ Bằng Ðoàn and Ðỗ Trọng Huề - Hà Nội Literature Publishing house, 1992. The Huyền orchestra is usually performed in worshipping such as the King's Longevity kowtow, Royal Birthdy Anniversary, Thiên Xuân, Nam Giao worship (when the King has just appeared on the stage) The Huyền orchetra consists of: A4-Dàn Nhạc Huyền (thế kỷ XIX) Dàn nhạc Huyền xuất hiện vào năm Minh Mạng thứ 19 (1838), trong Ban nhạc Huyền có mặt các nhạc khí du nhập từ Trung Hoa mà vào thời cuối Thời Lê đã không còn được dùng nữa như: Huân, Trì, Chúc, Ngữ, Biên Chung, Biên Khánh (Ðỗ Bằng Ðoàn - Ðỗ Trọng Huề - Những đại lễ và vũ khúc của vua chúa Việt Nam- Nhà xuất bản Văn học Hà Nội-1992). Dàn Nhạc Huyền thường được sử dụng trong tế lễ như: Lễ Thánh thọ, Vạn thọ, Thiên Xuân, tế Nam Giao (lúc nhà vua mới xuất hiện, bước lên đàn), Dàn nhạc Huyền gồm có: 1. Big Drum (one piece) 2. Big Bell (one piece) 3. Small Bells (12 pieces) 4. Big stone Gong (one piece) 5. Stone Gongs (12 pieces) 6. Phụ (a drum-shaped musical instrument, covered with the animal skin, full with bran and rice to produce the soft sound) 7. Chúc (a kind of musical instrument made of wood which is look like a bucket with 2,4 metes in square and 1,8 meter in depth and an axis made of wood putting from the top to the bottom surface to mix with other sound when performing. Chúc is performed at the beginning of the song. Ngữ is performed at the end of the song.) 8. Ngữ (one piece) 9. Small Drum (one piece) 10. Cầm Lutes (2 pieces) 11. Sắt Lutes (2 pieces) 12. Big vertical Flutes (2 pieces) 13. Small vertical Flutes (2 pieces) 14. Flutes (2 pieces) 15. Sênh (2 pieces) 16. Huân tubes (2 pieces, Huân is a kind of musical instrument made of baked soil) 17. Trì tube (Trì: a kind of musical instrument with a tube, traversal flute, 1.4 metre in length, 8 holes, 2 pieces)) 18. Castanets (played by 2 guards and the heads of the officers who were wearing tiger-shaped hat and the azure short and close fitting on head, 2 pieces)
do 2 viên Quản vệ cùng các Ðội trưởng đội Thị trung đội mũ hổ đầu mặc áo lam chẽn tay điều khiển. A.5 -
ORCHESTRA OF Nhã nhạc (Kham
dinh Dai nam Hoi dien su le -
volume 99, section Musical instruments, pages 113, 114, 115)
Long Ngam:
Another name of Nhã nhạc is Nhạc Thiều. It was the national orchestra in the past, which is mostly used in sacrifices, including:
Theo (Kham dinh Dai nam Hoi dien su le, quyển 99 mục Nhạc khi trang :113,114,115). Nhã nhạc còn gọi là Nhạc Thiều, chính nhạc đời xưa dùng tế giao miếu gồm có: 1- Trống Mảnh (a drum with a leather-covered surface like a small drum) 2- Ty Ba 3- Nguyet 4- Two-stringed fiddle Nhi (2 pieces) 5- Ống Dich 6- Tam am la 7- Senh Tien 8- Nhạc treo 9- Kiến cổ (a type of drum, has an axis running through the square hollow on the middle of the drum to make it erected. On the axis' top, there is a carvings of a human being, below is a cross, and on each of the four legs is a carving of a lion. 10- Chuong ( 2 big bells) 11- Khanh (big Khanh) 12- Chuong (12 small bells) 13- Khanh nho (small Khanh) 14- Bac phu (a leathered musical instrument which is similar to a drum, but it has the belt for player to hung it over his neck and playing it with the hands. Bác phụ I performed in unison with Kien Co 15- Chuc (a musical instrument which looks like a pain cask. There is a sticks running from the top to the bottom. Players shake the instrument to create sounds) 16- Drum 17- Cam lute 18- Sat lute 19- Bai Tieu (2 pieces) 20- Ong Tieu (vertical fulte) 21- Oc Dinh (2 pieces) 22- Senh (2 pieces) 23- Huan (a transversal flute made of soil with 6 holes, 2 pieces) 24- Tri (a musical instrument a hand in width. It consists of 9 large pieces and 6 small ones, all of which are edged with leather. Tri is used to create beats, 2 pieces) 25- Phach Ban (2 pieces) Some of the musical instruments of the orchestra of Nha nhac are still preserved to day in Huế, including Nguyet, Tam, Ty Ba, 2 Nhi, 2 Sao, 1 trong con, 2 Senh tien and 1 Tam am la. In the Le's Dynasty, Nha Nhac was specified in singers profession. But in the Nguyễn' s Dyanasty, it became an orchestra used in processions, banquets and used to accompany dances.
Hiện nay ở Huế còn bảo tồn được một số nhạc khí trong dàn Nhã nhạc: đàn Nguyệt, Ðàn Tam, Ðàn Tỳ Bà, 2 Ðàn Nhị, 2 Sáo, 1 Trống con, 1 Sênh tiền, 1 Tam âm la. Ở Triều Lê, Nhã nhạc là tổ chức âm nhạc chuyên về xướng hát, nhưng đến thời Nguyễn, Nhã nhạc lại là một tổ chức Dàn nhạc, thường được sử dụng trong đám rước, trong yến tiệc, đệm cho các vũ khúc. Thiều Orchestra (Đỗ Bằng Doan-ĐỗTrọng Huề-The Great Ceremony and The Dance of Vietnamese King - Hà Nội literature Publishing house, 1992, pages 106, 107, 108.) Thiều orchestra was used on National holiday, National Day or on the wedding ceremonies of Princes and Princesses in the King's palace. It is composed of: 1. Big drum or Cái: drum: has round shape. Its frame is made of jack wood. Its bamboo belt is red-lacquered and decorated with picture of dragon in clouds. Its surfaces are covered with buffalo skin. Cái drum is hooked on a red lacquer trimmed with gold stand, which is decorated with an image of a standing black bird. 2. Small drum: is smaller than Big drum. 3. Tiểu bồng drum: has round shape, is covered with leather at only one end. 4. Yêu cổ drum (old Trống Yêu) 5. Ty Ba lute: with 4 strings 6. Tam lute: with 3 strings. 7. Nguyet lute: with 2 strings. 8. Hồ fiddle: has 2 strings and a bow, produces bass sounds. 9. Nhị fiddle: has 2 strings and a bow, produces high and sonorous sounds. 10. Sáo flute: is transversal, has 8 holes including 1 blowing hole, 6 finger holes and 1 hole covered by a thin bamboo-loin membrane whose function is to make the sound sonorous. 11. Kèn (obe): is vertical. 12. Sênh tiền: the player holds in his right hand a 20cm wooden bar on which there are 5 nails hooked wit coins. Meanwhile, the left hand holds another wooden bar of the same length, striking on the bar in the right hand so that the coins were shaken into on another and eventually produces cheerful ringing, accompanying for singing. 13. Tam âm: is a bronze ring which is curled into 3 smaller rings with a wooden handle. Each small ring is hooked with a small bronze Flat gong (Thanh la). The player uses a wooden stick to strike on the three flat gongs to produce 3 different sounds. The above musical instruments were used to accompany songs and dances. However, in ceremonies of sacrifice, there were these following musical instruments in addition: 14. Bell (Chuong) : made of bronze 15. Bell (Khanh): is made of stone, has the shape of a bat and has a round iron stick. 16. Sến lute: has 2 strings, its resonator looks like a shell. 17. Cầm lute: has 7 strings. 18. Tranh lute: has 16 strings. 19. Song lang temple block: is made of wood. It has flat circle shape like a dish, a handle and a gutter-shaped space to be pieced in the middle of the body. A long iron stick is attached the handle at one end while its other end is round. The player used his hand or foot to make the iron stick striking on wooden piece to create sounds that keep rhythm for musical passages.
A5a-Ban Nhạc Thiều (Ðỗ Bằng Ðoàn - Ðỗ Trọng Huề- Những đại lễ và vũ khúc của vua chúa Việt Nam- Nhà xuất bản Văn học Hà Nội - 1992, trang 106,107,108). Ngày xưa vào những dịp Quốc lễ, Quốc khánh, Tết Nguyên đán, lễ kết hôn của Hoàng tử và Công chúa... trong cung vua, khi diễn dùng ban nhạc Thiều, nhạc khí gồm có: